Become a Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to get involved with the Golden Lotus Foundation™. Our Colorado Springs volunteers are a valuable link to the community and we couldn’t do what we do without many helping hands.

  • There are many ways to get involved.
  • Volunteer during an event
  • Serve as a board member or advisor
  • Volunteer to present or teach a cultural enrichment class or seminar
  • Assist in the office
  • and more

The Golden Lotus Foundation™ offers many volunteer opportunities in Colorado Springs for people of all ages to volunteer in areas of their interest. Volunteers 10 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult at least 25 years old. Please consider getting involved by volunteering at one of our Colorado Springs events or in whatever capacity fits your talents.   If you are interested in  volunteering in Colorado Springs please fill out the form below or  contact us at 719-540-5338.

GLF™ Legacy Charitable Trust Grant

Through our volunteer program, any volunteer providing 100 service hours to the Golden Lotus Foundation™ shall be eligible to apply for the GLF™ Legacy Charitable Trust grant that has been established in 2013 to offer up to $1,000 for a project that shall serve no less than 10 percent of the Asian population for project participation. Additional criteria or possible use of the grant will be discussed further by the committee.

Volunteer Interest Form

There are several ways that you can assist. Please check all of your interests.

Our volunteers represent important resources for Golden Lotus Foundation. They bring much needed resources of time, energy, and their love to share their expertise and skills with others. As an IRS designated 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, volunteers assist where funding is not available. Thank you for your generous gift of giving as a volunteer.

Become a Volunteer
Street Address
Street Address

Parental Consent

Parental Consent Required

It seems you are under the age of 21. In order for a minor child to volunteer with the Golden Lotus Foundation, parental or legal guardian consent is required. Details of the volunteer assignment that your child would like to accept are listed below. If you approve of his/her volunteering with us in this capacity, please sign below. Feel free to contact the Volunteer coordinator at (719) 648-2518 if you have any questions. This signed consent form must be returned to GLF before your child can begin volunteering.

Parental/Legal Guardian Agreement
Photo/Video/Audio Release
Interests *
Professional Services
Photo/Video/Audio Release