Bringing Community Together to Build a Tea House
Volunteers NEEDED, ALL AGES, children under 13 years old need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. All materials provided on site, wear comfortable clothing, closed toe shoes, prepare to get dirty, have fun working together. Instruction on hand saws, hammering, cordless drills, painting. Six sessions, 2 hours, please RSVP to accommodate staffing, drinks, inclement weather notice. Parking available on site. RSVP, questions contact Steve Wood, Executive Director, 719 373-7694,
Saturday March 14, 21, 28, 2020 through April 4, 11, 18, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Place: 1100 S Royer Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Information: Hands on construction of tea house continues on 5.67 acres neighborhood park. Phase 1 was the 8′ x 8′ framing construction of the tea house and roof. YOU can be involved in Phase 2, which is lighter construction including tea house table, benches, ceramic tile, stained glass, and solar collector elements.
Download the Sign Up Sheet Here