3 Things to Know About Asian Culture

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Asian culture and history is incredibly fascinating, and learning about Asian traditions can be fun and enlightening. If you choose to learn about Asian customs, you will see that many are steeped in honor and tradition. Ancestry and honor are, in fact, two of the biggest pieces of Asian cultural heritage. Read on for a few other things you should know about Asian culture and history!

Honor and Tradition
Honor is one of the key parts of Asian culture. In fact, the Spring Festival — which many recognize as the Chinese New Year — is the biggest festival in China. It lasts for 15 days in mid-January to mid-February, and marks the start of the Lunar New Year. This festival is used to honor ancestors. Most traditions and customs in Asian culture are done to honor ancestors, in fact.

There are eight different cuisines in Chinese culture alone. They are: Anhui; Guangdong (Cantonese); Fujian (Min); Hunan (Xiang); Jiangsu (Huaiyang); Shandong (Lu); Sichuan (Chuan); and Zhejiang. This is not including all other Asian cuisines. Food is one thing that helps bring cultures together, and is often the easiest way to start becoming familiar with a culture.

Between Tea Appreciation Day and the tea ceremony tradition, tea has been a big part of Asian culture for centuries. Tea Appreciation Day has been celebrated during the first weekend in May since 2005. In addition, a traditional tea ceremony is fascinating to learn about. Many details of Asian tradition go into making this ceremony complete.

Are you learning about Asian culture and tradition? What has been your favorite thing to learn about?